Consumer Law, Warranties Responsibility contract for our restaurant in regards to parties

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I apologize if I am not sure if this is in the right forum or not. Please forward/transfer to the appropriate one, if needed.

I am a small restaurant manager in Oregon, who gets a lot of parties and reservations for weddings, birthdays, etc. a few times a year. The problem is that sometimes the people who make the reservations do not always adhere to what they say and agreed on. For example, a few weeks ago, we had a party. The reservation was made a few months in advance. At that time, we made clear about the payment and conditions details. The payment was to be in cash or credit card only--no checks. The payment was set at a certain amount. After the party, the person responsible for the payment said he did not have any money (no cash or CC) on him. He gave us a check that had no money in it and said that we would have to wait a few days for money to be deposted into that account. Later, he gave us cash, but it was lower than the amount originally agreed upon due to conflicts and disagreements over the service and other things. I believe it was his intention to use this type of "method" to trick or scam us in the first place.

A lot of these types of situation come up, and I wanted to create some sort of liability/responsibility contract for the restaurant and party consignee. It will be a simple 1-pg. paper stating the conditions and terms with other information like the party and restaurant manager signature. Thus, it can protect the restaurant and us as staff members of any disagreements serving as a legal contract incase any lawsuits or matter is taken into police or legal hands.

However, I don't know how to type one up or make one up. I would like to include all the legal details that should be strong and present with correct information. I also understand that there can be exceptions to the payment and contract conditions like if the reservation is not exactly sure how many tables/seats there currently are--thus the payment might not be *exactly* set as is.

I would like to include these exceptions and other rules onto the paper...but I'm a little confused on how to really setup the document. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Basically the main conditions: cash or cc (visa, MC, discover) payment only + no personal checks accepted + payment as written must be paid exact with minor exceptions. As well as this, I want to include something like "the person signed above is entitled to meet all the conditions--if the conditions are not met after the party date, then legal action will be taken, etc. etc." or something similar that is more of a legal statement to justify and finalize the contract.

I just don't know how to word or write these kind of things, but I've seen them in contracts and documents everywhere.

Thank you very much!
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While I can give you pointers, don't mess around with your business, especially the legal services that you need from a real professional. If you need a diagnosis for your health you'd probably see a doctor. :) Same thing. Most of all, would you really want to pay for your inexperience in doing it yourself when you have peace of mind and business by paying a few hundred dollars to do it properly? It only takes one incident for this whole investment to pay off. Good luck!
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