Resignation Legal? Meeting under False Pretense, Resignation, Slander

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New Member
I was asked to a Club Meeting to discuss concerns with the Vice President. Upon meeting at a public restaurant the other Board Members were also present without my previous knowledge. The Board congratulated me on my entering into a Public Office race. They indicated they wanted me to focus on this race and asked me to resign my post as President. This would free up the Board to fill another seat. I was in Shock! I really didnt know what to do. They placed a resignation notice in front of me and asked me to read and sign it. Although I appeared to read it, I didnt. The only thing I remember about the resignation notice was an Incorrect date and 2 typos with pencil corrections and a place for me to sign. I signed the resignation with the thought this resignation was not valid due to the incorrect date and typos. And I didnt know how not to sign it without the people present not making a scene. I really didnt have a safe and comfortable feeling about this.

After the meeting I was contacted by a Board member who had to leave the meeting early. The indicated to me if I did not sign the resignation notice, they were going to force me to resign. Learning this information I did some additional research. I was told other board members at this meeting were Slandering me and indicating I was "corrupting the morals of minors". This was the pretense to get the rest of the Board to agree the resignation was the right thing to do. The allegations are absolutely false and I can prove this. Upon learning all of this, I sent out a formal "withdrawal of resignation" notice. The Board did not take this positively and rejected the Withdrawal notice. There was a 4 day span in between the Resignation meeting and the Withdrawal of Resignation.

Is any of this legal? Was this original resignation notice valid? I need help, because the only way I feel I can clear my name and prove I was slandered is to force a meeting with the Board. They refuse to acknowledge me as the President. I feel as though the manner in which this resignation meeting was conducted is not legal therefore my resignation is null and void. I need some advice on this.
Didnt feel comfortable not signing it

I looked at it and it had the incorrect date and a bunch of pencil written typos so I didnt think it was legal anyhow. AND I didnt want to cause any conflict because we were in a public restaurant. Our bylaws do not cover this other than what happens if the president is unavailable, nor does it cover anything about "withdrawal of a resignation".
By the way, THANK YOU so much for what you are doing! This is a great thing! You are very much appreciated by me and many others!
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