Unlawful Eviction Replevin


New Member
In Washington county there is still an open replevin concerning a trailer that I purchased. The receipts have my initials on each cash payment. The person the I purchased it from is will to testify. She filled out the receipt out with my ex-wife's name on it and then on the title. We had resided with each other for a year, and then she decided to leave. She came back 2 Days Later and removed all of her clothes and belongings comma with a deputy sheriff in our presents. She she filed for eviction and it was not observed. She then went and hired an attorney that filed a replevin. I, personally filed my response. While at the same time fighting the owners of the park. Had the rent and possession thrown out. Then only had to deal with the unlawful detainer. Which I eventually lost, illegally because I had constantly asked to pay the pad rent. Well I have tried to them to schedule a hearing and they refuse. I then have written letters, which go answered. I recently filed ethics violations. But I need advice because they say I need an attorney to file for the hearing. What do I do