Corporate Law Registration issues

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New Member

I have a staffing company in Virginia that contracts with the government for IT experts - i.e. the government will contract with us, or with someone else who we will subcontract to, to fill a number of IT positions. We will recruit individuals and then place them on these contracts at the contracting agency's location. We pay them, provide benefits, etc. - but they work there, etc.

I have contracted with an agency up in New York to put a person up there (if I find a qualified person - there are often a number of companies who enter into these contracts and then provide resumes for possible people in competition with each other).

Do I have to register my business and get a license in New York, or since the employee will be getting a paycheck from my Virginia Company - and I have no office up there or anything - do I not have to worry about that, only make sure that I comply with pay rules in NY (like what insurance to have, etc.)

Your help is much needed, and much appreciated.
I don't know the licensing specifics in your industry regarding out of state in your business. You have a subcontractor who is licensed and that might take care of the local issue, if there was one. Have you spoken to the subcontractor?
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