Reckless driving?

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New Member
Ok, here is the situation.
I was stopped at a light, the light turned green, I accelerated with some force but not like flooring the car. Apparently there was a corvette behind me, I drive a subaru wrx sti, and the corvette accelerated as well. So a cop that was across the street turns around and pulls the corvette over then signals for another cop to pull me over.

when the cop shows up at my car I ask him why he pulled me over, I was never speeding so I have no clue why I am being pulled over. The cop tells me that he pulled over a corvette that was behind me and that he heard tires squeel and saw the both of us speed off.

This is pretty impossible since I drive an all wheel drive car, I have never been able to squeel my wheels, and i was never speeding, i explained this to him and he said i have to show up to court and wrote me a ticket for reckless driving. The ticket does not mention anything about racing or exhabition of speed or anything else.

So what is he trying to charge me with and how likely is he gonna win....i was doing nothing wrong, I accelerated, but in my car sure im gonna accelerate faster than someone in say a geo metro. And how do i race someone that is in the same lane and behind me? Im really confused about this one.
any help would be great thanks :mad:
What happened is that he heard tires squeal and saw both of you take off. Probably impossible to tell which car so he wrote up both of you and is going to let the judge sort it out.

Reckless driving is a serious offense and will substantially increase your insurance premiums. In addition it could hurt your chances of employment since many companies are now checking MVR's on potential employees.

If you can afford it then go ahead and retain an attorney since he will save you money in the long run. If not then show up on your court date and hope for the best. If you go the latter route try to take some time to sit in on some prior trials so you will be familar with the procedure. You may also change your mind about the necessity of an attorney.
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