Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Recap!

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Okay so heres the update. Ill start off with a quick review.

im 19 and I shoplifted in NC with 2 friends, The total amout of stolen goods were from me was $65. the first thing I did was Take a class with the NASP. Then When I recieved the civil demand letter for $150 I payed it off .

I sat down in the courtroom and waited for the dockets (Cases) To be called. The DA said to stand and plead guilty if u were ready for a fine, not guilty if u wanted to represent yourself and were ready for a trial, or continuance if u needed time to gather an attorny. When my name was called I stood and asked for a continuance. Then once again i had to sit down and wait through countless names and pleas until finally the judge came in. the judge went over the dockets again. When he got to my name he asked me again how did i plead. My response was Sir I would like a court appointed attorney. I was then taken into the back to fill out some paper work and about a day or two later I had an attorney. Unfortunatly my attorney had no vacant appointments so I was told i would have to wait till court to speak with him.

Okay today was my final court apperance. Once again i sat through the docket call but this time When they called my name I said My attorneys Name and sat back down. After they went through the names the judge came in and called up all the people who plead guilty.Then he called all the people with continuances. While the cases were going o my attorney called out my name and took me outside the courtroom. He told me his plan was to get a dismissel. I gave him my NASP course certificate and the reciept from paying back the civil demand. He had never heard of a diversion program before and was very impressed that I took the initiative to enroll in such a course. I asked him about an Adjournment in contemplation of Dismissal and he said that would land me on supervised probation and if i messed up in anyway my case would not get dismissed. So he went to te DA and he came back to me and told me I would Have to do Teen court( a program in which u learn about the court system) Monday at 5pm but since i have school at 5 i could not attend. So he goes back to the DA and he said they worked out a deal I have to do 24hours community service and the case is dismissed.No Fines, No probation =) so thats how my case went.

Well My first friend her case got dismissed completely because the officer put the wrong information down on her ticket. My second friend however was not so lucky. from the time she first met her attorny he told her on our court date he was taking her straight down to probation office. she showed him her NASP papers but he told her they would not help. He entered a guilty plea for her and she ended up with 3months supervised probation and community service also a fine of $200.
Glad things worked out for you. If you feel this site was any help at all please refer others to us and post something in our testimonial section
Okay great thanks! And btw an even more recent update my friend had her case appealed and is also doing 24hours of community service then she is off the hook =)
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