Racism and sexual harrassment in school

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New Member
My daughter is in middle school. The first incident was a boy pulling on her bra strap. I reported this to the teacher. The second incident was him making sexual comments to her. I reported this to the teacher who sent it to the guidance councilor. I spoke with the guidance councilor and the next day the boy started to make threats of violence to my daughter for reporting him. I spoke with the guidance councilor again about taking my daughter out of the school and she made a racist comment to me. I went up to the school to talk to the vice principal and got a run around but went to talk to the guidance councilor to talk about her remark and about the incidents. They changed my daughters classes and made another racist remark. Now today she was beaten up by two girls (friends of the boy who pulled her bra strap) right in front of the teachers and they did nothing to stop it. Is there anything I can legally do about this? I am planning on pulling her out of school and homeschooling her but I think its disgusting that this is allowed to happen in the school. Isn't there a law that states they have to provide a SAFE environment for our children?
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