Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Public Consumption of Alcoholic Bev. Proh

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New Member
I recently received a citation in San Luis Obispo for having an open container in public. I was wondering if this would add any DMV points to my license since I was not in or around a vehicle?

When I received my court information in the mail it said the charge is for:
SLMC9.04.010 PUBLIC CONSUMPTION ALCOHOLIC BEV. PROH and the fine is for $380 so I was also wondering if this charge is different than the one the officer actually cited me for or if the other would be less? I was not consuming the beverage, unfortunately I was caught when I was actually just holding it for a friend who went to the restroom, though just unlucky, I realize it is still illegal to have it in public. I am 19 years old and am from San Francisco so if possible I would prefer not to attend my court date and simply pay the fine. I do have concerns though about this being on my record. The ticket states that it is an infraction but I do not know the long term consequences of this, or if the fine can be paid and the infraction wiped away from record?
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