Property Line Question

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New Member
St. Louis, Missouri

Hello all,

I have a quick property line question. I live in a neighborhood that has adjoining lots on one side of each house. So one of my neighbors yard ends at my house and my yard ends at my other neighbors house. My question is, I had a satellite dish installed in 2002 on the side of my house but it overhangs into my neighbors property. Now I was always friendly with this neighbor so it was never an issue. Well, in 2004 they moved and another family moved in. About eight months after they moved in they noticed the dish and am now trying to make me move it. Basically my question is, is there any grandfather clause that would allow me to keep my satellite dish there since they purchased the house with it there and I had permission from the previous owners? I know moving a dish shouldn't be that big of a deal but I just think this request is pety. Thanks in advance for your help!

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