Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks Prepaid Visa Giftcards

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New Member
In researching ways to protect my own privacy from identity theft when doing online purchases, I found a number of articles on various websites discussing the use of prepaid Visa giftcards and registering them under a fake name and address. Without giving it too much thought on the legal aspect and having thought that I did all the research I needed, I purchased a prepaid Visa giftcard online and registered it with a fake name and address. I then made purchases with this Visa giftcard. When I finally had time to sit down and reflect on what I did, I started realizing that I did not know if those suggestions were legal. Of course, now I'm extremely worried that I have inadvertently done something illegal even though it was not my intent. Can someone help and let me know if what I did was illegal and what I can now do to rectify this?
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