Assault & Battery Possible penalties for 3rd deg Assault in Colorado?

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New Member
My husband was arrested for assault and disturbing the peace on Saturday night while attending a convention in Denver, CO. I'm only assuming it's 3rd degree, going by the story his friend told me (still haven't talked to husband as my only phone is a cell phone and it wouldn't accept his collect calls - I've fixed that but he hasn't called me since I did). All of the following info I got online:

His arraignment was yesterday, he pleaded not guilty. So his disposition is friday. First, what exactly happens at the disposition (I can't drive that far for the disposition - almost 100 miles one way)?

And my second (and most important question is: what are the possible penalties for him? Attached to that - what most likely WILL actually come of it?
He has no previous criminal record (he's 37). At first I was thinking it serves him right (pay the penalty!) but now after reading in some places (online) that he will get 6 months jail time.......???? I don't know!

According to his friend, he groped someone in the middle of the convention floor - but she later recanted her story and it was dropped to simple assault.

Please, any info or input would be great! He's a disabled vet and there is no way for us to afford an attorney!

Thanks in advance!
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