Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possesion Of "Sealed" Alcohal in back seat (not Mine)

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New Member
I recently got a ticket for Possesion of Alchohal under the age of 21 in ca, and it was not in the trunk of my car. Me and my friend were driving to a party so he brought 2 bottles of beers for himself, I didn't see him when he put them in the back seat of the car, otherwise I would've made him put it in the trunk. I got pulled over because of registration and the cop saw the 2 beers, I told him it was not mine and so did my friend, he admitted that the beers were his and that I had nothing to do with them, and both bottles were sealed too, but the cop said that since I was driving that it was my responsibility and he gave me a ticket. I tried to explain to the cop that this was my first time getting a ticket in anything and I told him that he could give me a blood test or a breathalizer to prove that I never drank before in my life. What is the penatly for being a first time offender of possesion of alchohal in the backseat of the vehicle here in CA. Should I plead guilty or non guilty,is it worth it to plead non guilty, is it worth it to hire a lawyer. my friend agreed to come with me to court and confess about the beers, he doesn't have a bad record either, will anything happen to my friend. Let me know all the details please.

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