Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Possesion of Marijuana First Offense

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New Member

I was charged with possession of marijuana in my dorm room on my college campus. I am a 19 year old male, have no previous convictions and my record is clean. I am a deans list scholar with biomedicine and psychology majors. It was a stupid mistake and I just want some information on what my options are. I have researched and found that there is the option of conditional release where I would be in probation for X amount of months and then the matter would be absolved from my record. How could I increase the chances of this judgment and what are the chances of this outcome?

Thank you all very much in advance
It depends on how much weed they found for one over an ounce i beleive is severe punishment .Also for them to make a plea bargain with you they are going to want to know where you got it you know lke give name's.Usually that's the first tatic cops use on you.But if you plead guilty then being your first offence you will probraly get probation and fines and drug testing frequently and mybe community service .It depends on the prosecuter and how the judge feels unless you hire a damn good lawyer to try to have the charged totally wiped clean and just get probation and etc...otherwise it will be on your record.
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