Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Pleas help..really paranoid.

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I went to the mall with a friend. I tried taking a small item in a store, but was caught. The worker just said, "Can you return the item to its place?" I handed it to him. He said nothing else. My friend and I looked in the store for a few minutes, then left.

After we left I looked back and saw him dialing a phone #. I'm paranoid that he was calling mall security/the police. Is this possible? He didn't ask me ANY information, no name/address/ss #/id.

After that we left the mall to my car. No one followed us, and I really didn't notice anyone taking my license plate #, but this is the part I feel most paranoid about. Is it possible he could have been calling security & they can review tapes and see my license plate # when I'm leaving? Like I said, NO one was watching as we left, in fact when we were leaving police were outside dealing with some handcuffed person and didn't even glance at us. Also, even if my license plate # was captured, how can they be sure it wasn't my friends car? Also, not sure if this matters, but my car was in a parking lot far away from the original store.

I'm just really paranoid, this happened 2 days ago, and I'm scared about getting that letter in the mail, but I'm just wondering if this is possible because they have none of my information. But, I do know the store had one camera, I'm unsure whether cameras were in the parking lot. Also, this is my first time trying to shoplift. Thanks.
If the store files a Police report and gives them your license number or any means to ID you the Police can contact you anytime within statute of limitations. By the way you are "never" sure your not seen!
Admin said:
If the store files a Police report and gives them your license number or any means to ID you the Police can contact you anytime within statute of limitations. By the way you are "never" sure your not seen!

This just makes me more paranoid. I mean, how likely is this? The worker didn't ask for any information, and after I gave the item back said nothing else. How can he ID me if I wasn't asked for any information?
I cant say how or if they will ID you. I realize you retuerned item but depending on state law that might not matter. If anyone got your plate or if you used a debit/credit card to buy anything you can be IDed
Admin said:
I cant say how or if they will ID you. I realize you retuerned item but depending on state law that might not matter. If anyone got your plate or if you used a debit/credit card to buy anything you can be IDed

Okay. I didn't buy anything at the mall, actually I don't even own a debit/credit card. So, really the only way is if they got my plates. Would this be done through cameras outside? I'm not sure if there were any, but I didn't look.
Admin said:
You could even be IDed and stopped next time you enter mall or that store

Yeah, I plan on not going to the mall or that store for a very, very long time.

May I ask though..if the worker didn't ask for any information, would he really go through the trouble to have security find me? And why wouldn't he just take me in the back of his store and make me wait for security, rather than have them track me down in the mall somewhere?

There was no one in the store besides me, my friend, and him, so I don't see it as "he didn't want to cause a scene" by asking for my info, because he easily could of.

Also, it is possible that I'm just paranoid, and he was calling someone else/or the phone rang.
There may be a store policy that forbids non security people from making shoplifting stops. This would not prevent contacting Police ro Mall Security though
Admin said:
There may be a store policy that forbids non security people from making shoplifting stops. This would not prevent contacting Police ro Mall Security though

Okay, so do I have reason to worry? The item I tried to take was less than $10, and I never really concealed it or left the shop with it. Again, they would have to review tapes of the parking lot to get my license plate #, and my license plate # isn't even under my name. Thanks.
You said you "tried taking" something. Explain how you tried and why you were aksed to return it. this and your state can help get you answers
Admin said:
You said you "tried taking" something. Explain how you tried and why you were aksed to return it. this and your state can help get you answers

I took the item out of its case and was holding it in my hand. The clerk came over, and just simply said what I wrote. (He had obviously seen me do it) I gave it to him, and he said nothing more and continued stocking shelves. I live in Texas. I've posted on other sites, and they've said it should be of no concern to me.

I looked up the store's policies, and it says that they'll keep you there in the store until police/security arrive if you've shoplifted. Technically I didn't leave the store with it, but I did take the item out of its case. Any advice?
By taking it out of its container you likely made it unsaleable which is cause for criminal complaint
assetprotection said:
By taking it out of its container you likely made it unsaleable which is cause for criminal complaint

No, the container popped open and closed, the clerk took the item back, put it back in its case, and put it back on the shelf. There was a sticker on the top of the case, nothing sealing the case shut though, so I didn't actually do any damage.
assetprotection said:
Your assuming and you know what they say about assuming :dgrin

Okay. Well, what do you want me to was damaged? Because it wasn't, unless a case that snaps open and shut can never be used again because I opened it once..God forbid.
You need to understand the concepts of retail which you clearly do not! Listen I have no love lost for perps who get caught then whine about issue. Facts are simple you got caught! Now you can deal with the fear Police might show up at your home, work, school etc for the next year! If you want peace of mind then I will give you some you do not deserve. I doubt very seriously anything will come of this based on what you posted here. i have been doing this a long time and if they were going to do anything its very likely it would have been done by now. Now take this as a lesson and never do anything stupid like this again.
assetprotection said:
You need to understand the concepts of retail which you clearly do not! Listen I have no love lost for perps who get caught then whine about issue. Facts are simple you got caught! Now you can deal with the fear Police might show up at your home, work, school etc for the next year! If you want peace of mind then I will give you some you do not deserve. I doubt very seriously anything will come of this based on what you posted here. i have been doing this a long time and if they were going to do anything its very likely it would have been done by now. Now take this as a lesson and never do anything stupid like this again.

This is what I thought. Thanks. And I know I'm not a bad person, I'm a good person..I just made a bad choice. :)
Listen i agree your not bad. However the impact shoplifting has on everyone is HUGE! So I get really upset when I see or read shoplifters whine and put out the "poor me" attitude because they got greedy. Stores los eover 15 Billion dollars a year just to shoplifting and thats not even the biggest chunk of loses! Not only that when stores lose money they must take actions to make up for those loses. Here is a small list of what happens

. Higher prices
. Reduce hours of store employees
. Reduce benefits of store employees
. Lay off staff
to name a few. This impacts everyone!
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