Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse PD or Break the Bank for Private Counsel?


New Member
Hey folks,

So on New Years Eve I was stopped outside a rave by an undercover for drinking a beer on the street (idiot mistake #1). He pulled me to a side, asked if I had anything on me and if could search me. I said no to both and he told me I was under arrest for the the open container and he cuffed me and searched me. I cooperated the whole time. I had a couple of pills (5?) just sitting in my pocket (idiot mistake #2). He found them and wrote me up for them but not the open container. Got a 11377(a) citation and he let me go since it is a misdemeanor now in California and he had other people to catch.

So now I am wondering what I should do. Should I go with a PD and just take a plea bargain for a PC1000 program or should I get a private attorney and see if I can get anything better? I have a clean record, I recently graduated from a top university with straight A's, work full time (as a paralegal...) and volunteer at a non-profit part-time (not sure if the 2nd 2 things even matter). A private attorney quoted me at $2500. That is a LOT of money for me in my current situation but if I can get the case dismissed then it might be worth the debt. If I'm just going to get PC1000/DEJ then I don't see the point of spending that money when a PD will most likely get me the same thing. Do ya'll think a private attorney might be able to negotiate something better for me or get the case dismissed? Can I get in contact with a PD before hand to see what my options are or am I stuck waiting to meet him the day of court? Any off chance the charges might just be dropped?

A few things: I live in Oakland and would hate to go to Court in San Bernardino multiple times. I was hoping to apply to graduate school this year but am worried that if I take PC1000/DEJ it will show up when I apply. I don't really mind the PC1000 program for the most part since I don't really do drugs (only smoke sometimes and drink once a week) but I am worried about the time commitment, costs, and temporary record.

Also, I know I am lucky to have PC1000 as an option. I know it could be way worse and I know Im an idiot for getting myself into this situation. At this point I am just trying to do what is best for my record, time, and bank account. Appreciate all the help so much! Thanks!
If you have the $$ to pay for an attorney, you will not qualify for a public defender. Why should the taxpayers pay for something you can afford?
If you have the $$ to pay for an attorney, you will not qualify for a public defender. Why should the taxpayers pay for something you can afford?

I don't have the money. I would max out my credit cards a work out a payment plan. I doubt I will not qualify making 24k a year.