K Visa Out of Status - marrying USC in the service

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New Member
I came to study here in 2003. I met my fiance in 2004. I did however went home to Europe for the summer in 2004. I came back for the 2004/2005 academic year and to be with my fiance. Since he was getting deployed to Iraq by the beginning of 2005 I decided to take the semester off and spend more time with him.
I decided to stay at my friend's place while her husband was deployed also (not knowing I was out of status at that time) and wait for him to come home while finishing school.
However I never got to that point because transfering schools was hard.

In October 2005 my fiance came home for leave and we got pregnant. Right now we're expecting our child in a month and we are going to the court house this week to apply for a marriage certificate and then go through a Justice of Peace marriage. After that my fiance will have to need to register me into the DEERs system but he needs my SSN which I don't have as a non citizen.

What other paperwork do we need to get done in order to have everything finalized?
I'm due in 4 weeks of our child and this is stressing me out. We always thought there weren't any problems until now.

Please any kind of info would help me to get to the next step.
Thank you in advance.
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