No-one Is Listening

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New Member
When, if ever, do I have the right to sue my attorney? For six years I have been fighting for the rights of my children and for six years no-one will listen. Father is an admitted drug addict, I am a struggling single mom trying to make a living and each and everytime I go to court, my lawyer says I should do this or that. Today, after stating I need to relocate out of state and I want to take my child (12) my lawyer said, in front of opposing council that I am abandoning my children and that they need to stay with their father. This is MY attorney speaking, clearly he has not had my interests in mind, what legal course of action do I have?

Thank you.

My childrens lives are at stake here and I need someone to LISTEN! and now I need some legal recourse on shoddy representation!!
1) Why do you still have him as your attorney? Why don't you get rid of him?

2) I don't know the details of your issue with your attorney. Much of the time the problem is more about the legal system than it is the attorney, although I don't dispute that you could be 100% right in this instance.

To be honest, something doesn't add up with your story. I hear the frustration but you've probably not explained enough for it to all make sense. You haven't explained to us any reason for all this flip-flopping in position and I wonder if you've had a discussion with your attorney directly. Until you can clearly articulate and point out the problems and your attorney's clear incompetence, people will probably not listen to you and view you only as another frustrated person who isn't getting the "justice" they think they should be getting and much sooner rather than later.
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