Personal Bankruptcy new jersey newly weds need bankruptcy help

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New Member
hi dennis and my soon to be wife are considering far as our home we just bought is it in jeopardy?? of being taken?...also im performing a volintary reposession on one of out trucks, because i cant afford the monthly payment can they take my soon to be used truck ?...after reposession i will buy a used truck with cash from our wedding which is taking place next week. also i have so many questions i dont know where to start does someone know of a good bankruptcy lawyer in southern new jersey who i can confide in? conserned very much about making a major mistake that will affect out future and senior years as we get older....can someone help? we really do need good advice
thansk group very much!
this is a great forum
dennis in south jersey
Originally posted by dennis varbaria
hi dennis and my soon to be wife are considering far as our home we just bought is it in jeopardy?? of being taken?...also im performing a volintary reposession on one of out trucks, because i cant afford the monthly payment can they take my soon to be used truck ?...after reposession i will buy a used truck with cash from our wedding which is taking place next week. also i have so many questions i dont know where to start does someone know of a good bankruptcy lawyer in southern new jersey who i can confide in? conserned very much about making a major mistake that will affect out future and senior years as we get older....can someone help? we really do need good advice
thansk group very much!
this is a great forum
dennis in south jersey
We can refer you to a good bankruptcy lawyer in Southern New Jersey by conctacting us or myself here. Our new contact form will be up within 2 days and you can use this one in the meanwhile if you are interested at .

Note, I would not file for bankruptcy without contacting an attorney first or else you could make a very large mistake that could hound you for years to come. You are starting a new stage in your life and I hope it turns out for the better. :)
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