needing advice on harassment

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New Member
I was wondering if anyone would have any advice on which way we should handle the following situations. any advice appreciated

We just moved into a subdivision which looked to be a nice place to raise our children but after living here a few months my oldest who was only 7 at the time started getting death threats from a couple of other children who are older than him, they were telling him that he was the newbie in the neighborhood and that he had no right playing with their friends, well basically he quit playing with the kids in the neighbor because he didn't want to get hurt and stuff.I confronted the parents of the other children whom basically told me that I was a liar and that my son was a liar and that their poor innocent child would not do that threatned to beat me up as well if I didn't leave things alone. After that they proceed to tell the other parents in the neighbor that we know from school that we are unfit to let their children come to our house we are bad influences.(we are now having problems with classmates no longer able to come over to the house because what was said which to me would be slandor or something along those lines since I volunteer at the school all the time and alot of the parents now us very well) Now there has been other issues as well a riot in the middle of the street and it is not save to let the kids outside to play anymore, kids coming in the backyard(which has a fence all the way around) playing on the swingset, slip n slide, and getting in the pool when we are not home(we can never catch the ones doing it though), people trying to break in the house, messing around at night going through the cars,stuff stolen from the garage, and finally but not least we are constantly getting the animal control called to the house because our dog is mistreated. As stated by the animal control that dog has it better than some people. Animal control told us they receive at least 2 to 3 phone calls a day by the same person demanding that they take our dog. They can not tell us who it is but also said that if we could file for harassment they would have to turn the record over and they would tell the court that is was someone who just did not care for us because the dog is very well taken care of. Shortly after we moved in someone tried to slit our dogs throat she had blood everywhere in her pin. Animal control came out for that and filed the report as did the county sheriff, but nothing was ever done because we didn't know who did it. My husband and I are discussing moving just for the fact that it is not safe for the kids or for us anymore, but we are in a lease right now and have put a deposit down for down payment to purchase the house. First off can file a suit to have the records released from animal control so we can find out who it is. Second if we move is there any way to get our deposit back that we placed on the house, can the harasser be made to pay that back to us since they are the reason we are moving? (we have idea who is causing all the trouble but just can not prove it at the moment)
First off.....Get A Camcorder and record activity when you are not home. If you get them on tape (PUT A SIGN IN THE WINDOW THAT STATES VIDEO SURVELLIANCE) you can immediately file for animal endangerment, vandalism, and stealing from your property. A picture speaks a thousand words. This will work. My sister-in-law got a man arrested by showing a video of the action.
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