Need some help advice in motorcycle incident

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New Member
First my motorcycle is parked out on the street. A car full of teenagers pulls up around 10:45pm and one jumps out and knocks over the bike damaging it. Witness up stairs starts to scream car drives off but is trapped in by street which allows second witness to catch them leave the area get plate ect. I find them 30 minutes later in a park by matching vehicle make and plate number. Everyone runs police come takes hour to get suspects back to scene one person confesses. 4 others put it on the person. Heres the issues

My insurance is 1000K deduct. Person arrested was a minor so no police report for 60 days. Statefarm says they will go after for amount to repair and deduct via parents. But there is no 100% promise I will get my money back. Doesn't like a can do much with that.

Second option is it legal can I do it.

The driver of the vehicle was 18. The other 3 minors were all released to her custody after the officers called the kids parents. All but the one who was arrested, but I have a feeling he was released to her as well by the sounds of the phone call but can't 100% confirm this.

As the driver of the this vehicle can you be held responsible for the actions of your passengers. Can I sue her since shes 18 and I have a plate number and can get her info now.

1. After making the turn she had to slow down in order for the kid in the back to jump out and push the bike over.
2. After watching him push it over and hearing someone screaming stop she then waited for the passenger to jump back in and helped him leave the scene.
3. After being chased by individual at the house she continues to drive unsafe and reckless in order to avoid being caught indicates she knew it was wrong.

Should I take her to small claims as well as the kid involved. Is there any sort of criminal tort I can pursue.

I am leaving the state once I move if the case is heard and I am found in favor is she responsible for my travel costs. Thanks for the help

I will be 1L in the fall guess I'm getting a jump start early.
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