Need some advice please

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New Member
This seemed like the proper place to put this so here goes.

I live in a Mobile Park, the development company that owns the park sent me a letter stating that my membership was being suspended for breaking park rules. The rules said to have been broken refer to maintenance of home. The sent me the first letter back in May requesting that I repair the skirting around the home, which I have done, they also requested that I repair a set of stairs on the home, the letter stated to a side door. I have no side door, I have a front door and a back door and a door to the water heater which is accessed with a set of portable stairs. I asked our park board which stairs they were requesting be repaired and got no answer from them. I've also addressed the other issues in the first letter such as removing the materials left behind from renovating the bathroom and the lawnmower that had died on me earlier in the year. They are stating they are raising my rent from 260 dollars to 310 dollars while on this suspension of membership. If they are saying my steps need to be replaced that will cause a major financial burden upon me as I am disabled and have a limited income, not to mention two children under the age of 5 that I need to care for. Can they do this while knowing I have a limited income and if having to hire someone to fix the steps would drive me into debt?
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