need lawyer advice on what to do

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I bought a mobile home in 1997 with my ex-husband. He moved out in 2003 leaving me with all the bills. I finally lost the mobile home in 2005. They sold it in sheriff's sale. I have never been contacted by the mortgage company about what I owe or what will be going on. I just went online last week and got a copy of my credit report. The mortgage company was listed on it. All it said was the acount was "closed" as of June 2006. In the remark column it said charged off to bad debt; profit and loss write off. Should I still file bankruptcy anyway; or does this mean the account is closed and they are not going to sue me for the money? Please someone give me some information as to what I should do.
I don't know if they will sue you for the debt or not.

Talk with a bankruptcy attorney to see what your options are.
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