need help please

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New Member
I have a house that is paid off. My grandfather was the co-signer. He paid off the house. Now he has passed so his name is still on the deed. I need to get a death cert to get his name off the deed. He had a will that stated that i get all of his money in his account and that my mother gets the rest like his house car and anything else that he would have question is can my mother in the futer take me to court and make me refinance the house and pay her half of what the house is worth?
First, check your deed. If your deed is Joint Tenancy with right of survivorship then with or without the will your ownership of the house is now Sole tenancy. If your Mother has not been put on the deed she has no control of the house. Wills are not general in nature. Your house would have to be mentioned in particular. Your Mother will not be able to take your house or force you to refinance and give her half the equity.
I have a house that is paid off. My grandfather was the co-signer. He paid off the house. Now he has passed so his name is still on the deed. I need to get a death cert to get his name off the deed. He had a will that stated that i get all of his money in his account and that my mother gets the rest like his house car and anything else that he would have question is can my mother in the futer take me to court and make me refinance the house and pay her half of what the house is worth?

If you have a right of survivorship, like Harris said it will be right on the deed, you do not need a new deed. The property vests at the time of death.

Your mother cannot take the house because it is your house. In fact, the house is not even part of the estate.
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