Need a moderator!

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New Member
I can't find a single moderator to alert about this situation.

There is a post under family violence "falsely accused of violence" by zacatecas. Its being spammed by that username, and the last post threatens to hack this site. This site was only hacked a couple of weeks ago due to lax security, I'd hate to see it happen again.

ibis said:
I can't find a single moderator to alert about this situation.

There is a post under family violence "falsely accused of violence" by zacatecas. Its being spammed by that username, and the last post threatens to hack this site. This site was only hacked a couple of weeks ago due to lax security, I'd hate to see it happen again.

Thanks for the message. We have now contacted more moderators -- it is a tough job with so many new posts and hope people will volunteer! You can always contact us through the help and live when it is active.

We've looked into the problem and have dealt with it. We have upgraded the site's software and are locking down the vulnerable areas quickly. Regarding the username -- while we responded we have not heard anything back from the complainer. At this point I'm not sure whether we should take him seriously but we take all complaints seriously.

The hackers hacked another part of the site and have been stopped - this is common for any big web site. They attacked several sites even larger than this one, and we are feeling quite honored that they decided to include us in feeling we are that important. :D It's silly but such is the life of the webmaster. :)

Thank you for bringing this matter to attention and I'm hoping that in the future, if there are problems, please report them once -- reporting a problem 10 times in a row can create problems for our spam filters.
I'm willing to help out, if you guys need another moderator. I'm an administrator at bloggertalk and frogengine
LawFrog, we'd be glad to have you on board and we'll be contacting you shortly. As you can see with our new legal dictionary and a few other items, we'll be expanding the site to include lawyer pages who will have periodical articles on interesting subjects, chats, and other interesting features.
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