misdemeanor and a green card application - please help

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New Member
I wrote a check for $1000 back in 2006. This was because the seven days had lapsed since I signed a contract to buy a property and then decided not to buy the property due to the school area.
The check was presented but at the time the money was not in my account so was denied due to insufficient funds. The money was in the bank shortly after this but the check was not represented. At this time I also moved to Texas for a new job. I did not redirect my mail because I had only been at the address for 6 weeks and no one had this address as a contact for me. I had by then completely forgot about the $1000 check.
I started a new Job yesterday and they did a background check on me and this was the first time I new anything about this and learnt there was a warrant out for my arrest. I called Hamilton Municipal Court to find out what was happening, and they told me it was about this check I wrote for $1000 and that I had failed to appear twice in court regarding this matter. But I knew nothing about it. I sent then my bail by UPS for $250 yesterday, which they should receive no later than tomorrow. If I had known about this I would have paid this immediately.
I am in the final stages of my green card process which I really do not want to mess up.
Many Thanks. I await eagerly for your response.
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