Military, auto charged off, and they say no REPO??

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New Member
I'm SO confused. My husband is in the Army and currently deployed to Iraq for the past 11 months. We have 3 small children and are currently supporting two "households" here and in Iraq. Money is tight on a soldiers pay, and circumstances came up that caused us to be late on our car payments. I kept in contact constantly with the collection rep, Cassis, and always filled her in as to what's going on and followed my payment arraignments as directed. Then they charged me off...and i don't know why.

Basically they told me i was fine as long as a payment was made every month. I couldn't get worse if i did that they explained, and they only repo after 120 days. Now my info has been placed in their charge-off dept and this schmuck is telling me that b/c my husband is in the Army they will not repo until he gets out, two and a half years from now. So i have that time to come up with 20K. Does this make sence??? The man says that Wells Fargo is trying to uphold the "spirit" of the soldiers and sailors act, not the actual law which really doesn't protect us in this case otherwise. Also, the rep will not provide me with anything in writting, won't let me talk to his supervisor, and is telling me not to make a mountain out of a molehill and relax while my husband is away, as to not stress anymore (like he's concerned). He's given me every assurance off paper that i will NOT have this car repossessed. I feel like they are telling me this so i'll still keep it in the driveway (i park in the garage anyways). questions...

what are my rights? can they charge me off if i was paying them as agreed in my payment arraingment?

Can they lie to me to collect thier property?

in this situation, what do i do if they DO come to repo?

Is there any recourse?

PLEASE HELP! I'm desperate....thanks.
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