Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse marijuana possession charges in santa clara county

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New Member
I was smoking marijuana with some friends in my car, when they left i drove towards home. I got pulled over for making an illegal left hand turn out of a parking lot and was quickly pulled over.
Car really smelt like marijuana and there was no denying that. i told the officer that i had previously smoked in the car several days ago and must still smell from that, to avoid a DUI. He believed me, but after another nearby officer came and smelled the car as well, and he then told me that he has to search the car and to step out. i assumed the fact that both officers could smell the marijuana that they had more than probable cause (was i right?) so i complied politely and they searched the vehicle. inside they found 0.5 grams of marijuana and a small empty bag with a small stem inside. he took the bag and the marijuana with him, and my ID (is he allowed to do that?) he cited me for misdemeanor marijuana possession but not the illegal left turn, even though the other officer advised him to just let me go.
I am currently a JC studdent in the process of tranferring to USC or one of the UC's. I am 19 years old, have have no criminal record, couple parking tickets, and a stop sign violation.
My questions are, is possession of 0.5g in Santa Clara county a serious crime? what kind of consequences am i looking to face? what are the odds of getting the charges dropped? do i need a lawyer, or public fine?
if charges arent dropped, how will this affect my admission process? would i have to put this down in my job apps?

i am a good kid, just live in an area where marijuana is the norm, and i indulge in it sometimes. id like to this in a way which would not involve my family finding out.
i appreciate you taking the time to read this. any input or advice at all would be greatly appreciate.

thank you
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