Looking for legal advice

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To try to make a long story short...Live in California, April 2006 moved out of my 2 bedroom condo to live with my boyfriend in his 3 bedroom home that he shared with his 2 kids every other week, since our relationship was "moving forward". (Unfortunately) no prior financial aggreement was made. Since his place was already furnished most of my stuff got stored in his garage. He helped me with some stuff at the condo (touch up paint, fixing a leak under the sink, etc.) in order for my condo to be rented out. It got rented in June. I gave him some money here and there to put toward his mortgage and I paid most of the bills that I was made aware of (electric, cable, water). I am a "saver" and tend to have money to put toward investments. In June I used my money to purchase some stock options he had with the company he works for. It was supposed to be an investment for "us" and I trusted him so there isn't any written contract/agreement between he and I regarding this. I do have the carbon copy of the cashier's check drawn off my bank and a copy of the options exercised sheet stating the amount due. Since then, the company went public. It is my understanding the company gave a $15 dividend per employee owned share in addition to 2 "open market" shares to 1 employee owned share. We had relationship issues. He told me I had "30 days" in November. I wanted to work things out. We went to counseling. Then again on January 3rd he called me from his cell phone and stated I had until February 3rd to move all of my stuff out and every day after that it would cost me 2 shares of stock. The majority of my stuff was out by January 10th. At first he seemed like he was going to be decent, but now I am learning otherwise. During one phone conversation we agreed that we'd exchange a check (he'd have to cash in the stocks that were purchased with my money) for the house key and garage door opener I had. Then later he added that I would have to prove that I wasn't pregnant (I wasn't) by taking a pregnancy test in front of him or have an official one done signed by an MD. I just recently gave him his key, but surprise no check. Now he is trying to claim I owe him money. I received a spreadsheet the other day listing monthly rental fees, storage fees, cleaning fees, etc. that were being deducted. One chunk of money I had given him (to contribute toward the mortgage) he listed as payment toward things that he had done at the condo like painting, etc. You'd think I did a major remodel for the amount he was "charging". So now that you have some history, what recourse do I have in getting my money back? I know small claims maxes out at $7500 and the initial amount was more than that.
So much for making it short...
Thanks in advance for any legal advice.
If you can't get it settled, take it to small claims court and let the judge decide.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is any reasoning with him, at least by me.
You'd suggest that even if the amount considered owed is larger than what small claims allows?
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