Auto Loans loan and title with ex

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New Member
I am on a title and loan with an ex. She has the car and some times makes a payment. problem is there is no contact and she keeps missing 2 or 3 payments that is ruining my credit. the bank wont deal with me cause she has the car and makes a payment here and there, is there lagal vaenue to force her or bank to refinance/reposses or some other avenue to not have it effect my credit?
If you signed off on the loan then the bank should happily accept your money. Regardless of who has the car you are both responsible for the loan.

Are you divorced? This should have been resolved already.

At any rate, the best way for you to protect your credit is to pay the loan.
we were not married, the court settled the house purchased together. 2 years later and after the bank forclosed. I was advised not to pay towards either as they are not in my possesion, took 2 years to take possesion of the house and flagstar bank would not work with me to sell or save it.. now its abandoned by the bank with out even trying to sell it.. the court would not even entertain the car due to us not being married. I cannot afford to pay my own car payments, rent and to live and to pay her car payment,, so that is why I am not paying on her car. I assume the car will be 20 years old and still owe the same as the original loan.. This is why i would rather just return it then haveing year after year late payments. Oh well welcome to another scenerio where the women wins.
Sorry to say, it seems you are stuck with the option of either paying the loan as agreed or else be subjected to the consequences of negative credit. Returning the car is not an option.
This isn't a scenario where the woman wins. I've heard this same scenario plenty of times where the man has the car and doesn't make payments. It works both ways. Unfortunately for you she has the car, but you both are still responsible for the loan.
the attorny who handled the house has no interest in helping do the car. Course the house was big $ for him.. 4 to 5 thousand it cost me.. and still ruined credit and no return on my investment into the house.. Hard to have faith in the legal system. 2 years lots money spent and all I got was foreclosure listed on my credit. The whole purpose of going through the court system was to try and save the house and my credit and the close to $50,000 i had into the house. Ex "not married" lived there with out paying a cent for the 2 years with no recourse for her..
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