Living in non-residential properties

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New Member
I have a friend who is living in their barn. They have no other home. The barn does have a heated office area and bathroom. They have been there for over ten years. The county does not have any knowledge that the property is also being used as a residence. Any idea as to their status.

P.S. I live in a house.
We don't know the state. We don't know the property. We can't have any idea as to what "status" means either. What is the problem you're having specifically and why are you concerned about your friend living in the barn that may or may not be "zoned" as a residence?
The state is Illinois, the county is Will, the property is a stable and is not zoned as residential although there are another six residential properties on the private lane. She has been living there for over ten years and is terrified to have any major repairs by a contractor due to Will County requirements that contractors get permits to do work on the property.
Sorry friend currently I don't have any information relevant to your issue but I will find it and let you know. Distant from it I would like to share a piece of information with you regarding improvement of your home and hiring the best people for it. It has completely become easy now to hire a contractor to work for your home. There is a service available online where you can get to know a company before you hires them to work on your home. They provide plumbers, painters and landscapers. They help you to find out the contractor who exactly matches your needs. Hence leaf through the mentioned link to make improvement at your home.
The state is Illinois, the county is Will, the property is a stable and is not zoned as residential although there are another six residential properties on the private lane. She has been living there for over ten years and is terrified to have any major repairs by a contractor due to Will County requirements that contractors get permits to do work on the property.
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