Legal infringement on other companies product


New Member
We are a small startup seeking some legal advice. We have a new product that is currently in the R&D stage. Our product includes several different components, the main one being a multipurpose blower. (Usually used for drying paint) This product we want to incorporate into our invention is owned by a company called Lasko. My question is: can we put our product on the internet with Lasko's blower, or is that infringing on their product?
Thanks for your help!
yes, so far we have incorporated lasco's blower into our system and it is a main component. we do need a source, so we could theoretically buy their blowers. However, they may or may not like their name on our product. Possibly we need to solve this directly with Lasco.?
If your product requires this other company's product as a part, it would seem to be common sense to try to enter into a business relationship with the other company.