Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Legal Abuse Syndrome

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My jurisdiction is: Florida

Florida criminal Law Bradenton Police pulled over for not having tag/ valid registration. Refused to accept documentation from DMV stating reason I was enroute from 1 DMV office to another. Denied tag and registration due to Suspension of DL for which I had an Order Setting Aside D-6 Suspension but had to go to DMV in Bradenton to correct Clerk of Courts Error. I was ticketed for same, plus driving w/suspended DL ticket...which was later dismissed due to Clerk of Court error..which then resulted in search and seizures for 1 hour and charge for drug paraphernalia. During the illegal search of my car and 1st search of my purse which was taken from me without consent, containing legal prescriptions of narcotics for which I was harassed, interrogated, accused, threatened, intimidated for 40 mins and never read my rights..oh plus body searched 2x when it could have been settled in 5mins with the phone call finally made. This is not mentioned anywhere is the already false and misleading police report. The paraphernalia was found later after stating probable cause in my purse to search for more evidence (illegal) and found items not mine and the officer stating after seizure he would have had probable cause anyway cuz he smelled pot in my car..I don't smoke it and there was no smell. I was assigned a Public Defender who by appearances and actions seemed to be working for the Prosecution with her nasty attitude, presumption of guilt, acts, omissions, mistakes and neglect over the past 8 months..then suddenly she was fired 1 week b4 my final Motion to Suppress the 4th filing.after continuances and neglect to invite me to the 1st Motion to Suppress hearing, she waivedng my right to be there allowing perjury by Police in my absence and denial of my Motion. The Trial was then schedule Monday after the Friday Motion Hearing. Replacement Public Defender seemed to put all in hi-speed motion. She took great offence to my comments concerning her predecessors misconduct/ negligence and concerns over how prepared she was or could be. Calling me after reading my email on the morning of the Docket Sounding. The DS which wasn't supposed to be scheduled due to her sending me home from the Pre-Trial conference 14 days earlier stating she was going to get a continuance. However, she later informed me she went ahead with the pretrial conference without me. Her angry demeanor, vindictive phone call stated I didn't even deserve an attorney and that I was guilty and had no chance of winning the motion, much less the trial. She ordered me to be in Court that, which I always am..when notified, or have another Bench Warrant issued for failure to appear. At the DS I asked if she was going to still bail as she said that morning, because I was going to inform the Judge I thought it best considering her adverse opinion and acordingly, didn't believe I had a chance ..however she hatefully said no and stated she never said that and I began to cry..which I fear is the reason she filed for a competency hearing..which I was told by her Boss was a method for after reading about them fear I will be committed if found to suffer what I contend to be legal abuse syndrome after 8 months of being neglected, abused and nervous wreck, not to mention loss of driving rights. Anyway I didn't intend to get this detailed even though this is just a hint of what I have been thru in the past year. I actually wanted to inquire about the law governing a rule concerning if one ticket or incident was dismissed (especially since it was the Clerk of Courts fault, stated by the Judge), but resulted in additional and related charges which would not have occurred or been charged, if not for the first unlawful ticket, are the following resulting charges still enforceable? The replacement Public Defender will not even listen to defense on the subject. She states they having nothing to do with each other regardless all were issued at same traffic stop. I hope my verbose dialog didn't get too confusing or loose your interest. Thank You for your time and consideration AND any information or opinions would be greatly appreciated…Sincerely Me
Did I Post Legal Abuse Syn Query.. Wrong or Offensive?

I just thought I should check to be sure since it was my 1st post and I guess not guess I anxiously and eagerly anticipated some feedback, good, bad or indifferent. Finally, occured to me this morning after checking the umteenth time and appears responses are customary and timely as a rule, peraps Mine is an exception for some reason or am I just being impatient and inappropriately expectant?/COLOR]
Your original post is extremely difficult to read, so I would suggest rewriting it. Break it up into paragraphs, and leave out the irrelevant information. You'll probably get some responses if you edit.
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