Leaving the Scene, with additional concerns

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On 12/25/2006 at approx. 1:15 I struck a vehicle as it was coming through a tight intesection on an unmarked road. The car I struck continued on up the road behind a building and I was spooked, this being my first accident ever and having consumed a few alcoholic beverages during the day, left the scene. It turns out the other vehicle obtained my liscense number and reported it to police. The local police were busy with another call, so a Massachusetts State Trooper and a New Braintree(adjacent town) police officer arrived at my house around 3:30 am that same morning. They asked me if I hit a vehicle, informed me if I was honest they would not arrest me on Christmas day, and admitted to my actions accordingly. They informed me that a uniform would be over on the 26th of December to take a statement from me.
I waited until 2pm on the 26th of December for an officer to come to talk to me, no one arrived, so I took it upon myself to go to the police station to try and obtain the police report, as well as the victim's insurance information and phone number to contact her and resolve the issue. The victim was complient, and I filed a claim to my insurance company because I wanted her to be able to get back to Florida where she currently resides. I know that this pretty much enters a guilty plea on my behalf, but I felt bad, there was no injury, she does not intend to press charges, and it was the right thing to do, because I cannot say that I DIDN'T hit her car.
So, her car was taken care of after my insurance co. found her car a total loss based on prior damage. The insurance end of this problem was taken care of by the 27th of December, in terms of filing a claim. I received a surcharge notice on the 19th of January.
I had requested the police report from both counties regarding this incident on the 26th of December, and one was not even filed until the 24th of January, and the only report I received was written by the cop from my town, Barre, Massachusetts; who didn't respond to the scene. The police report is ENTIRELY inaccurate. At this time I had still not received word or written notice of pending charges. On the 26th of January I received a citation for a criminal application based on the charge of leaving the scene after causing property damage. The address on the envelope was incorrect, thus the citation was lost in the mail for over a week. I immediately went to the Barre Police Headquarters and inquired as to why the address was incorrect, and see what my options were. They gave me zero information and set up an appt. with an officer for 6pm on Sunday, the 28th of January. Upon arrival, I was informed that there was a warrant issued on me, and that the arresting officer had zero information regarding this warrant and why it was issued, as I had not received any information regarding a warrant. I should note that the citation was issued to Cori Berthiaume, which is incorrect. I spell my name Cory. Also, the citation does not inform me of a date to appear and merely lists the charges issued, a sloppy signature, and no address to the court house my hearing was to be conducted in.
I went to court today after being granted bail last night, was denied a court appointed lawyer, and cannot afford a lawyer, so I had to waive my right to an attorney.
My main question is really were any of my rights violated, would it be worth me doing some investigation to improve my case, and should I accept the district attorney's deal when I go back to court for my pre trial conference? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I apologize for the novel!

Thanks Again.
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