lease rented lot

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New Member
I am planning to move and have a job lined up in Indiana next week. I could take this job or not but I would like to take this opportunity. My son and his girlfriend\fiance' who have a baby together would like to live in my double wide mobile home ( I own the home but rent the lot in a mobile home park) and they would pay the lot rent, utilities, etc.. in fact they will change the utilities into most likely my sons name. I will not be charging them anything extra and won't profit from anything, I just want them to pay the lot rent and utilities as If I was living there.

It all sounded good verbally and then i got a thought that got me thinking about this and concerns me. I thought, what if my son and his gfriend end up splitting up and she decided not to move out? I know I have heard of laws that protect women and children and It concerns me that I would have a hard time getting her to leave or what If my new job didn't work out and I wanted to move back to my home and I would have a hard time getting them to move out? I don't want to come off sounding cold and uncaring but they do have jobs and do have an apartment they could move in to and she has her mother who lives the next town over so its not like they will be stuck. They wanted to move into here because it would be alot cheaper for them and will allow them to save money. They do know that this is a trial basis. Just to see if all works out then maybe they could end up buying this place if they wished to later on, if not, then I would be coming back here and they will have money to move into an apartment.

I have already spoke to the parks office here and the lady said when we are ready that they will have to apply and be accepted and doubts it will be any problem. She will then talk to the landlord/owner and see if there are any special requests that he may have such as my sons name added on my homes title along with mine which I really don't foresee a problem with that( I may be wrong) but she said since it will be a trial basis he may not ask for that.

Now that the above concerns me I am now thinking I may want to draw up some kind of a contract.
My question's are : If I do draw up a contract, how should this be done? I \ we cannot afford to pay an attorney so is there another legal way of doing this ourselves that would stand up in court if needed?
2). If we have to go with an atty what could this end up costing us?
3). What advice could you offer me to protect what is legally mine?
4). If they do agree to the terms of the contract would this be binding enough to prevent either of them from staying if I wanted my place back?
5). Should both their names be on the lease or should just my sons name be on there?

As an added side note: My son is so sweet and he is working hard to live up to his responsibilites and I am just trying to help them out while I have this new job opportunity. they do know that this might be a temporary situation. We all see this as a possible win-win situation for all of us. I would have someone here taking care of the house and paying the rent and they will be saving alot of money.
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