Lease Option Gone Wrong

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New Member
Question. We were in a lease with option to buy we put down a non refundable $2000.00 deposit, fixed all the major repairs that needed to be fixed in the almost 2 year period we were there. Unfortunately we were only able to secure a loan for 80% and the owners would not carry. They did not want to wait any longer for us to purchase so we elected to move. They are keeping the $2000.00 down payment and claiming that we need to split the cost of new carpet for the whole house, pay for paint to repaint the house, provide new doorlocks since neither party has any keys, we always used the garage door opener. Are these things that we have to pay for? Is there some way to get our $2000.00 back? Since the lease technically expired after the first year and nothing was signed, did it revert back to a standard landlord tenant arangement, where the landlord would have been responsible to repair the 350.00 leaky basement? Thanks for you help
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