Lawyer changed payment arrangement

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New Member
I am beginning to get all of my ducks in a row to file for Bankruptcy. My first step was to hire a lawyer. I went through a few...I was looking for someone that would set up a payment plan for their fees. I could afford a small retainer and then the filing fees, but the extra I needed to work something out. I found a lawyer and talked to his assistant. She told me that I needed to bring in $300.00 for a retainer and $45.00 for a credit report. Then when I was ready bring in the $299 for filing fees and the extra $800.00 for his fees would be a payment plan of $100 a month until paid off. I thought this was perfect. So I made an appointment to see him. His assistant went over the paperwork with me (the lawyer stepped out), such as the fees and credit counseling and so on. In this discussion she came to a part where it stated that all the fees were required before filing. She crossed that out and said not too worry since I was making a payment plan. Then the lawyer came in and went over everything else. His assistant left with my $345.00 and said she would return. At the end of my discussion with the lawyer, he starts saying when do I think I'll have the rest of the fees, because he will not file until his fees are paid. I said that I was making a payment plan and that your assistant said that you would file and then I can pay the rest. He looked at me like I was trying to scam him. He stated that he has done that before and still hasn't received payment. I said I am sorry, but that was supposed to be the deal. He said he would talk to his assistant and she what she said. She then calls me back and said that there was a miscommunication on my part and she is sorry if she mislead me, but he doesn't work that way. I have decided that I can't trust him as my lawyer...can I get my $300.00 back. He hasn't done anything yet for my case. What are my next steps?? The only reason I went with him is because I thought I could make payments. Now what??? I can't afford to be out of $300.00.
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