Landlord claims I destroyed floors.

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New Member
I moved out of an apartment I had lived in for two years May 1st. I had a meeting scheduled with my landlord to do a walk through. He canceled about an hour before hand and told me to just leave my forwarding address. I never received anything. I finally called him after a month and he said that he needed to go over something with me and would call me back later that day. He never did. I called again a week later and he told me that I had ruined the floors and he had to figure out what to do about my deposit. I said I didn't think I ruined the floors, they were in very bad shape to begin with, and that I had pictures. He said he had pictures too and that I was mistaken. He told me he was very busy and would get back to me. He didn't, for over a month. I called him last Wednesday and left a message to please call me back. He never did. I just called him now and he says that actually, he should be charging me money because it cost 2,900$ to fix the floors (my deposit was 1,750$).
What do I do now? I left the apartment in good condition. The floors were old pine plank wood that looked like they had not been taken care of in decades. The varnish would come off if you scratched it with a fingernail.
What is my next step to go about trying to take him to small claims court?
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