judgement collection

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New Member
I have a judgement against a former tenant who say that as long as he pays 50 dollars a month I cannot do anything about it also he says that it's not legal to charge interest on a judgement dedt. the judgment is for around 3500 dollars and the judge said he has 30 days to pay or agree upon a payment plan. I think I'm entitled to 6 percent interest on remaining balance 30 days after the judgement date and also what can I do if he only pays 50 dollars a month. Thank you
Unfortunately collection is a bigger issue than obtaining the judgment.

His wages cannot be garnished in PA, but your tenant is incorrect in saying that you cannot charge interest. PA's statute specifically says you CAN charge interest.

See § 8101. Interest on judgments.
Except as otherwise provided by another statute, a judgment
for a specific sum of money shall bear interest at the lawful
rate from the date of the verdict or award, or from the date of
the judgment, if the judgment is not entered upon a verdict or
If he pays 50 per month you probably won't be able to force anything more out of him. You could look into putting a lien on property, but it likely isn't worth doing so over a small debt.
If he willingly pays the 50 you should probably be happy you are at last getting that. If he stops paying then look into other options.
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