Corporate Law Is this corporate attorney ethical during our divorce?

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I am going through a divorce in California and our corporations are 50/50 between my husband and I. He is, however, the president of the corporation. The moment we separated, I informed our attorney not to meet with my ex, release documents, change anything, etc---I covered everything, without my prior knowledge or consent. This was done through email and I have records of him acknowleging receipt of the email.

Since then, my ex has accumulated $16,000 worth of bills that this attorney is attempting to bill our corporation. My ex argues that the corporations "have to move on" during our separation. The businesses are not that complex, they are just worth a lot. We would never have to meet with an attorney for corporate advice. I feel he was getting divorce advice. In fact when I questioned the attorney, he told me my ex did try to disolve my rights but was informed he could not.

Since we are separated, should he be responsible for these bills? How can I protect myself and the businesses if he has carte blanche to meet with attorneys and bill them to our companies? How can I get through this somewhat unethical attorney?
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