Consumer Law, Warranties Is Non Disclosure Agreement enforceable?

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New Member
After signing a Non Disclosure Agreement at a public meeting held to find creative contributors to a project, I discovered, as I learnt more,that many of the "ideas" were already in the public domain and were not original at all. I wish to distance myself from this organisation, (I have contributed some ideas but am not employed by them nor have I received any payment from them) but they are now sending me unsettling correspondence which insists on my adherence to their NDA. Although I have no intention of purposely breaking it, I do not have a copy of the NDA I signed and have requested that I be sent one - they have not done so. Can they insist on the validity of the NDA if they will not supply me with a copy? How do I know what I have signed up to? Also can they use the protection of their NDA when many of the ideas of the project it covers, are not their original intellectual property?

Many thanks
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