Is ex-boyfriend lodger or tenant at will?

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New Member
I own a single family residence in San Diego County, CA. When I bought it in November 2003, I moved in with my boyfriend, where he has one bedroom for himself, and can use the whole house. We never signed a lease, and I did not require that he would pay me rent or utilities.

Since October 2004 he is unemployed. He has an alcohol problem since before I knew him, got 2 DUIs, went through some rehab he was sentenced to, but always goes back to heavy drinking. For the longest time I supported him because I thought I could help him getting away from the alcohol. He always could eat my food. First he got unemployment money than I gave him occasionally some money.

A few weeks ago I finally told him that I want to quit our relationship, and asked him to move out within 30 days. After 23 days of no signs that he would plan to move, I sent him the 30 day notice by registered mail as well as a 2nd one with UPS, which he both refused to accept. I then had a neighbor serve him the notice personally. After being served with the notice he told me I will have to go through an Unlawfull Detainer to get him out.

My questions: 1. Is he considered a lodger or a 'tenant at will'? 2. Was the 30 days notice all I needed to do? 3. Might he be under some kind of protection by law as he is unemployed and has an alcohol problem? 4. Will I have to go through the Unlawfull Detainer process?

Thanks to everybody for giving me some information!
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