Illegal gun use

WhAt percent of gun murders are done with guns legally purchased and used by legal owner?

Joe Scarborough claims only 3% of such crimes are committed by law abiding gun owners.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Tiny fraction of crimes committed with legal guns

I've seen other studies that say it is six times that around 20%.

Either way. it is still lower than the other side of that coin.

Most murders are committed by a person known to the deceased.

That fact alone intuitively says the 20% figure is likely to be closer to the truth than the 3%.

Realistically, no one knows for sure.
It's a hotly debated topic and the pro gun faction and anti gun faction are always coming out with conflicting studies that don't result in accurate conclusions.

As a staunch proponent of the individual's right to keep and bear arms I argue that law abiding citizens who legally own their guns rarely commit crimes with them.

According to FBI stats for 2013 (the latest I could find) there were 8454 murders committed with firearms.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

3% is 254.
20% is 1690.

I would be more inclined to believe that 3% of those murders were committed by people who owned their guns legally rather than the 20% though I have no authority with which to back up that opinion.

What's your local story about?
There was a local murder and this began the discussion. I sided with it was more common for a gun murder to be done by a gun acquired through less than legal means and/or by not legal owner than by a gun purchased legally and used by its legal owner. meaning tougher guns laws would not reduce gun violence.
"meaning tougher guns laws would not reduce gun violence."

This article supports your premise. It's one of the better articles I've found. It was written before The Blaze's owner went cuckoo!!!
Do Strict Gun Laws Really Stop Gun Crime?
Even if ALL guns were outlawed, enforcement of such a law would be impossible.

Most gun owners, LEGAL or ILLEGAL, wouldn't voluntarily turn the guns over to authorities.

The bell has been rung, the sound can't be unheard.
Do Strict Gun Laws Really Stop Gun Crime?

No, they don't.

The purpose of the proponents of strict gun laws have only one goal and that is to disarm law-abiding Americans who want to own guns for sport or defense.

There's a well known youtube video of a criminal supporting gun control:

No, they don't.

The purpose of the proponents of strict gun laws have only one goal and that is to disarm law-abiding Americans who want to own guns for sport or defense.

There's a well known youtube video of a criminal supporting gun control:

The gun monkey has long escaped his confinement.

He'll never be placed in that barrel again, ever.

Some subjects are too delicate to discuss, because nerves are raw on all sides of the issue, this is one of those subjects.

I suspect residents of this republic prior to the 20th century could make a very good argument against gun control.

Sadly, those times are no more, unless one wishes to live in a remote, isolated spot in Alaska.

We are among the most regulated citizenry upon earth, except when it comes to controlling our borders.
Years ago when I was in high school I read a sci-fi short story with an interesting premise - it was illegal to NOT carry a gun in public. Street crime was unheard of.

Of course, it was only a story but it was an interesting idea to think about.
Years ago when I was in high school I read a sci-fi short story with an interesting premise - it was illegal to NOT carry a gun in public. Street crime was unheard of.

Of course, it was only a story but it was an interesting idea to think about.

The Purge? LOL :)
Years ago when I was in high school I read a sci-fi short story with an interesting premise - it was illegal to NOT carry a gun in public.

Sounds familiar but I can't place it. Remember anything else about it.

Maybe you remember this from another sci fi novel:

"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free."
I think every mentally sound adult in the U.S. should have a gun.

No argument there.

Switzerland.... Read up on their gun laws.

That Switzerland is a gun owner's paradise is a myth. The Swiss have rather rigorous gun registration and licensing laws to the extent that would make American gun owners cringe. Yet still have a high percentage of gun crimes in spite of strict gun control.

Here's a couple of articles:

Switzerland proves that high gun-ownership doesn't increase murder

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Switzerland | Law Library of Congress

I do like the idea of the government issuing me a fully automatic assault rifle and ammo to keep in my home. Let's give the ATF the duty of issuing weapons to every mentally sound adult in the US.
It might be difficult finding many mentally sound adults. Some days it feels like nothing but crazies out there.
This book was an anthology of short stories. Heinlein was not the author - I would have remembered that clearly. I'll have to look through some boxes - it's possible that I have it stashed somewhere.
