My mom took out $175,000 in student loans in my name. She forged my signature on the actual loan and the check cashed. 5/7 loans have been deemed fraugulent, but there at still 2 left. One I signed the loan not knowing but did not sign the check. The other was an online electronic signature that does not provide much evidence. My mother would transfer me money for housing expenses while I was in school, but I was not aware that it was my own student loans. She does have bipolar disorder and all of the money was taken out within a two year period. She would spend excessively on me as a child so i really did not make the connection. I am trying to figure out if I can get her records from her psychiatrist to prove that she is bipolar and how to go about that. She also had a bankruptcy when I was young and I am not sure if proof of that will help. She has a history of stealing from Wal-Mart and my uncles business so this is not the first time.I didn't go hungry but I know that I did not spend $175,000. I decided to prosecute her and now she counter sued me for one million for emotional distress. I am currently a social worker and can't afford either clearly. I really need some guidance as to what I can prepare since it's going to be a fight.