I need to break my lease.

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New Member
I live in just outside of Philadelphia. A couple months ago I moved to a modern townhome where I am currently renting a room. The owner said that the house had central a/c, heat, etc that it was fairly modern and that she was just seeking someone to share the costs of living. Her emails to me said that I could use the house freely. We signed the lease. So now we're getting into summer, and she's told me I am not allowed to use the air conditioning, that she hates a/c. I've tried to talk with her about it and find a compromise. She will also not allow me to have a window unit. One of the times I was talking with her about it, I told her that if I knew that there would be no a/c, I would not have moved in. She then responded that I was "Free to look around". So that is what I am doing. I have asthma and allergies that pretty much require me to have a/c in the summer. I feel like I need to leave her an official letter or something. It says nothing about leaving in the lease. The advertisement for a/c was not written, it was oral. When she first showed me through the house, she said that there was central a/c. Does this still count? There have also been new rules that have been popping up.. no eating/drinking in the room I'm paying for, no candles (even though there's candles all over the rest of the house.. but this is not a huge deal), just small things here and there.

Recently, she's been away on vacation. She left me a note stating only that she was going on vacation, where to reach her in an emergency, and that a neighbor was going to take care of her garden and the mail. She never told me when she would be coming back, as of now she has yet to return. However, she must have told the neighbor that I was not allowed to use the a/c because whenever I've turned it on (since she has not been here, and her only reason given for not using it was because SHE didn't like it, not because of cost, though I am paying my part in utilities..) the neighbor has come over, using her key, to turn it off! And she even left me a condescending note saying "You know [name] does NOT want you to use the a/c", like I am some teenager while the parents are away. That really frustrated me! I'm paying 600$/mo to live there. Anyway, that was a bit of a rant.. on to the lease:

The lease states.."This lease shall commence on [date] and, unless sooner terminated pursuant to law or pursuant to any of the terms thereof, shall expire on [date year later]".

Also, later.. "If tenant breaches any terms and conditions of this lease, Tenant shall forfeit Deposit, as permitted by law"

"Tenant will be responsible to share cost for all utilities and services on the Premises which are the following: ... full use of appliances in kitchen ..." this is where she breaks the lease outright I think, since after moving in the said I cannot use the dishwasher. Ever. To "save energy". Only she can use it. Now, there is nothing about a/c.. but there's also nothing about electricity, which I am clearly using.

Then there's the "no other representations' section that states "Tenant expressly acknowledges and agrees that landlord is not making ... and tenant is not relying upon .. any promises, representations, warranties or statements, except to the extent that they are expressly put forth in this lease ..."

Does that mean I'm screwed? I just want to leave peacefully and get my deposit back.
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