Assault & Battery I have been charged battery three of the only county judges have recussed themselves

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New Member
This is a Easement case here is Florida i was working on my easement when i was accosted by the serveant owner of the easement and a breif strugle ensued, officers were called and i found myself in the backseat of the patrol car charged with battery.

First i was ROR
Secound nine days later i was to appear at the first of the pretrail meetings with my prosocuter which i did, she made a offer. $550.00 fine, plus court cost, plus anger managment classes ect ... and a plea of guilt or a nolo contest plea and this would all just go away

no thank you was my answer ( I needed to see my jury first is what i thought) (And i still do)

30 plus days pass + or - and i am to appear again in this 30 day period i find out that the
judge over seeing this case has a standing order of recussal with the name of this allaged victim in this instance case on his list, so i file a motion (pro se) for the judge to step down and reassign this case to avoid a conflict of interest issue ( Much to every person suprise in the court room that day he granted the motion) good judge
that same day as the clerk of the court went to the two remaining county judges they to had this person on their list for recussal also. Now there are no more county judges to rule on this case so the call gose out from the cheif justice of this curcuit to bring in a out of town judge in to rule ( Cool beans, to avoid the conflict issue, this is what is suppose to happen)

This is were it get stranger, than normal, the newly elected State Attorney has throne his hat in the ring also .as of 01/10/05 (WOW) a motion before my new out of town court from the state asked for a continence because they are waiting on the Governor of the great state of Florida to appoint a special prosocuter in this case do to conflict of interest.

So here we all sit , waiting on the honorable Jeb Bush to sign the order for this new gun slinger. to arrive

this is the question I Believe this is a rare instance, were because the allaged crime
accured in this county it has to be tried in this county but might i be one of the first to have
both an out town judge and a special prosecutor all at the same time ? help me if you can

Is this that rare? and if not do tell .
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