Quiet Enjoyment i can't take any more

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New Member
Last weekend I backed into my neig hbor's car well when she finally showed up I tried to give her my insurance but she would not take it told me she did not want to deal with it. well an hour later her boyfriend stood on the cab of my truck and poured lotion all over my windshield. now I can't ECB go out on my patio without her mother yelling at me that if I don't quit she gonna come up there and make me. I have talked to apartment manager and she said she would handle it. I am tired of not being able to go outside cause I don't want to get cused out what do I do cause local police department told me unless they see them or hear them that there is not much they can do
If they cause damage or make personal threats then make a police report.
Otherwise, consider getting a restraining order. Keep the landlord informed, but don't expect the landlord to do much.
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