Consumer Law, Warranties HVAC Not Performing

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New Member
I live in NC and a year and half ago we contracted to have new hvac added to a bonus room above a garage. The company came out and spent over an hour analyzing our current sytem and said the system was big enough to handle the bonus room. They said we can zone off of it but that simply doesn't work during the hot summers. On a 93 degree day the temp in the bonus room doesn't drop below 85.

They returned last summer to add a vent in an attempt to correct the problem but that also did not work. Now they say our current system, that they said would handle the additional room, will not work and we need a seperate system for that room.

They will give me a partial credit from the work they did previously but shouldn't I expect a full refund since all of the work they did intially was a waste of time? :mad:

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