Consumer Law, Warranties Hospital's Breach of contract/HIPAA

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Texas

I'm pretty sure I chose the correct forum, so here goes....

I had a C-Section surgery in February 2008. I entered the hospital as a "no-info" patient, had spoke with two social workers, and also the nurses had a labor plan typed by myself and were to abide by it as it kept my identity confidential and inside the walls of that hospital. I gave them an address to send any paperwork to that would keep all persons out of my business and among the unknown. The child had medicaid set up and I had my seperate medicaid as well. My primary insurance was not apart of this stay or to billed whatsoever. I began receiving bills and bills for myself and this child in the mail at my father's address; which was NOT CORRECT nor has it been a good situation since then. The hospital made a huge mistake by looking over my medicaid and the childs medicaid and decided to bill everything to my primary insurance and as well used my home address to send "Baby X" bills.. They are guilty of breach of contract and they have disregarded my HIPAA rights....
I'm not even going to get into what all my dad has done to investigate this situation; it's not I have a case??
Honestly, I don't know the details and if there was a mistake and, if so, who might be the responsible party. Additionally, I'm not sure what damages you've suffered that would make this a case that an attorney would take on a contingency fee, unless you want to hire an attorney on retainer. In many instances there is a wrong but the law doesn't really want to award a windfall to people if there isn't a significant damage present.
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