Homeowner Liability

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New Member
Currently building a new log home in CT with a builder up from Virginia and he hired local help without checking for proof of insurance. One of the lads fell off a ladder (with no witnesses present) early one morning and was sent to the hospital. After xrays, etc. it was determined that he had a broken cheekbone and will have some medical bills to pay. My builder is licensed in his home state and has insurance on himself, but advised he couldn't cover the local help he hired. My builder was also paying these kids under the table and the one that was injured was also collecting Ct State unemployment. Who might e liable for what in this situation? This person is now asking us to pay all his medical bills associated with his fall.

PS....I pulled the building permit for this project
My guess is that you are on the hook. You need to consult with an attorney. You may have some coverage under your homeowner's policy.
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