HOA False Accusations

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New Member
What can I do about a homeowner's association that is out of control with false accusations about me and my family? For the past 3 years I have received dozens of letters falsely accusing me and my family of speeding in the complex, loud music (when I don't even own a stereo), partying (single mother with 4 kids living at home all in high school or grade school-no parties...) I have been even fined with liens against my property, over $3000. To top it all off today I was now accused of being a drug dealer, (I work in a profession where I can be drug tested at any moment, so not that either!) The HOA is only listening to an anonymous neighbor and not listening to me stating that this is not, nor has it ever been my or my children's behavior! I am home with my kids over 60% of the time that they are home. All of my kids have after school activities and because of these letters, I do not let my children play outside near my home. What's a single mother to do? I don't really have the means to hire some big attorney and I like the area I live in so would prefer not to move. I feel this is harassment and may even be racially driven, how sad in today's world.. I am a strict law abiding citizen who keeps to myself. Is there any recourse? How can I get these letters and fines to stop?

Thanks so much for any advice??!!??!?!?!?!
How can I get these letters and fines to stop?
Have you addressed this situation by contacting the HOA Board of Directors? Have you inquired with them as to why they are making these accusations? Communications is KEY!
You need to attend the next HOA meeting. you might want to at least see an attorney and have a letter drawn up and sent to the HOA.
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